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Lesson 10 Topic Summary

Lesson 10

Topic Summary

Aims and objectives:

• summarizing the factual information on the topic

• revising the vocabulary

• developing the basic skills

Equipment: writing paper, handouts


I. Warming-up

Can’t Say Yes or No

In this game everyone is given a certain number of coins or squares of paper (about 10). Everyone moves around the room starting conversations and asking each other questions. The only rule is that you cannot say the words YES or NO. If you accidentally say one of these words, you have to give a coin or square to the person who you said it to. Try to trick each other by asking questions that you would almost always answer with a yes or no. Think of other ways to trick your friends. Sometimes asking two quick questions in a row works well.

(Especially tag questions: Are you new here? This is your first time in America, isn’t it?).

II. Main part

1. Vocabulary revision

Match the word and its meaning.






characterized by the ability to make decisions


exaggeratedly dignified or self-important


unconcerned in attitude or action


functioning or producing effectively and with the least

waste of effort


unhappy or depressed


having sufficient skill or knowledge




physically stiff


arriving or taking place at an arranged time


in a state of physical or mental confusion


having a happy disposition; in good spirits


orderly and efficient


able to stand the beliefs, actions, opinions, etc., of others


having an illiberal viewpoint; intolerant, or prejudiced


irregular or odd


adaptable or variable


temperamental or changeable


sensible; practical; realistic


showing or expressing liking, goodwill, or trust


Using the words make up the characteristics of a successful and unsuccessful persons.

Successful person

Unsuccessful person




Rate the successful person’s characteristics in the order of importance, with 1 being the most important. Explain your choice.

2. Grammar revision

Do the exercises.

Ex. 1

Rearrange the words to make sentences.

1) waiting for still answer an I am questions my to.

2) dogs ever do fruit for breakfast eat?

3) mother often to theatre not the go my does.

4) only few have we a got bottles in house the lemonade of.

5) already he drunk full has a juice of bottle.

6) at the rarely weather is this time cold year the of.

7) school the generally do at their children homework.

8) old can what say you understand that man hardly.

Ex. 2

Add "been to”, "been in” or "gone to”.

1) "Where is Jane?” "She has __ the shops. She’ll be back soon”.

2) "Have you ever __ America?” "Yes, I have __ New York several times”.

3) We have __ this class since September.

4) The Smiths have __ Paris for years now. They like it there.

5) John has __ Oxford in his car. He is staying the night with friends.

6) I have __ Italy, and I have __ Spain, but I haven’t __ Portugal yet.

7) How long have you __ this country?

8) The Simpsons __ Australia to live. I’m sure they’ll be happier there.

Ex. 3

Fill the gaps with the words "for”, "at”, "in”, "on”, "with”, "off”, "of”, "away”, "to”, "up”.

1) He is interested __ languages, but he isn’t good __ them.

2) He specicalised __ Roman history.

3) I didn’t like him at first, but I got __ __ him very well __ the end.

4) We met by chance __ the end __ the holiday.

5) He is very well __ His money enables him __ travel all over the world.

6) It is difficult to adjust __ the heat in such countries.

7) We are thinking __ going to Sweden, but we haven’t made __ our minds yet.

8) I want to have my room done __, but I’m too hard __ at the moment.

9) We called __ __ Bill last week. He was pleased to see us.

10) Why don’t you visit me this summer? I could put you __ for a few nights.

11 ) My son isn’t getting __ very well at school.

12) I’ll tidy __ the room and put your books __ while I look __ your tie.

The students share and discuss the results of their work explaining their choices and making corrections if necessary.

3. Writing and speaking

Imagine that you are applying for the position of the president of student government. Prepare your CV and introduce yourself to the class.

The students are to evaluate each candidate by secret ballot.

III. Summary

IV. Homework

Revise the material.



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Категорія: Конспекти уроків англійської мови 9 клас | Додав: uthitel (24.11.2012)
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