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Lesson 6 Autobiography. Project

Lesson 6

Autobiography. Project

Aims and objectives:

• developing all basic skills

• developing students’ creativity

• assessing students’ achievements

Equipment: computer lab, electronic images brought by students or, if unavailable, writing paper, markers, photos, glue


I. Warming-up

Broken Telephone

This is a listening and pronunciation activity that always gets people laughing. The teacher first must think of a sentence or phrase and whisper it to the person beside her. That person will then whisper what she heard to the next person. Each person can only say, "Can you please repeat that?” one time. When the message reaches the end of the chain that person must speak out loud. Oftentimes the message will be completely different when it reaches the end. Try to find out where the chain broke! In a big group you can send the message two ways and find out which team comes closest to the real message.

The suggested message is "Before too long he longed for that for four years, too”.

II. Main part

1. Project

Since most of schools are equipped with computer labs, students may create their autobiography in an electronic format. If there are no computers available, the teacher should provide students with everything necessary for creating a paper-based autobiography (paper, markers, scissors, glue etc.) In both cases the project automatically includes using the home assignment, which allows not to check it separately.

The students are told they are to create their electronic autobiographies with the help of computer (suggested software: Microsoft Office Publisher, Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint depending on which of them the students and the teacher feel more comfortable with).

The teacher facilitates the process, helping the students to arrange the text and the pictures. Since the work is rather informal and emotional, the teacher should encourage students’ creativity and sense of humor.

If there is an opportunity to print the students’ works out, that would be the best way to both assess the students’ work and let them feel proud of their achievements by posting the prints on the classroom walls.

III. Summary

IV. Homework

Students should revise the vocabulary for speaking about hobbies and pastimes.

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Категорія: Конспекти уроків англійської мови 9 клас | Додав: uthitel (24.11.2012)
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