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Lesson 30 Speaking comprehension

Lesson 30

Speaking comprehension

Aims and objectives:

• summarizing the topic material

• assessing students’ speaking comprehension skills


I. Warming-up

The teacher may either use the warming-up activities desrcibed earlier or invent the ones of his / her own.

II. Main part

1. Dialogues

The students are divided into three groups. Each group is assigned a country (Ukraine, Great Britain, the USA) by drawing lots.


The groups pretend they are TV reporters from the assigned countries and ask othe groups questions to find out about their mass media.

2. Monologues

Students draw each a card with one of the media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, Internet) and express their attitude to it. Others may participate by asking questions.

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Категорія: Конспекти уроків англійської мови 9 клас | Додав: uthitel (25.11.2012)
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