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The World Of A Teenager .
УРОК № 9клас ДАТА:
ТЕМА УРОКУ : The World Of A Teenager .
МЕТА УРОКУ :1) активізувати ЛЗ учнів , вчити учнів користуватися вивченими ЛО в мовленнєвій ситуації, тренувати навички читання з метою повного розуміння, аудіювання та монологічного мовлення; 2) розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію учнів; 3) виховувати культуру мовлення та повагу до точки зору опонента по дискусії.
Обладнання: вчительська презентація, мультимедійна дошка, ноутбук, роздруківки для читання та виконання вправ.
Хід уроку .
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Greeting.
2. Aim.
Today at the lesson we continue a very useful theme “life of a young person.” And right today we`ll speak about the person in general , about your usual hairstyle, your problems, watch a presentation. But first of all let’s brush up our verse.
3. Warming up.
Learning a verse .
I Основна частина уроку.
4. Vocabulary Activator .

• There is a list of adjectives , divide into three groups the words : 1-negative meaning; 2-with positive meaning; 3-with neutral meaning.

Active, diplomatic, disciplined, energetic, logical, optimistic, envious, nice, positive, practical, realistic, gallant, talented, clever, remiss, easy-going, lazy, bad-tempered, gentle, earthly-minded, stupid, brave, serious, selfish.
• Think and write the words which connect with this word and begin with the letters of this word.

T e a
O n g
L e r
E r e
R g s
A e s
N t i
T i v
c e

5. Check on homework.
• Presenting the advertisements of the clubs.

6. Presenting the teacher’s presentation.
The typical British teenager smokes and spends 8 pounds a week on records , clothes and going to disco as a new survey says . You are Ukrainian teenagers . This survey were done in our country what can it show ? Please make suggestions . So, the typical Ukrainian teenager : ( students offer their ideas)
- listens to rock music
- smokes and drinks beer
- is crazy about computers
- reads youth magazines
- goes to discos
- goes to cafés , bars , internet cafés
- watches TV a lot
- spends pocket money on ….
And now let’s watch this survey-presentation.
7. Speaking.
Well, I hope you can tell about yourselves, your style of life and hairstyle, your problems.
8. Brain storm .
T.: Do you know ?
Вчительська презентація "Британські підлітки"

And what about Ukraine ? When can you start doing these things ?
9. Practice reading
Pre - reading
T.: Do you know what it means “ to come of age “ ? It means to start an independent life . When do teenagers in Ukraine come of age ?

The lines of the poem introduce us to some of the traditions in Britain. The tradition is connected with a person's coming of age.
In England much importance is given to the event. The twenty-first birthday is usually celebrated by everyone. Friends and relatives are invited. Those who are invited to the party send or bring a card. On this card a picture of a key is usually painted which is a symbol of the young person's independence.
Post - reading
T: Answer my questions. Give full answers:
a) What happens to a young man or a young girl when they are twenty-one?
(They come of age.)
b) Is much or little importance given to the event?
(Much importance is given to the event.)
c) Who is the twenty-first birthday celebrated by?
(It is celebrated by everyone.)
d) Who is invited to the birthday party?
(Friends and relatives are invited.)
e) What is usually painted on the card they send?
(A key of the door is usually painted.)
And what about you? When you can come of age ?
III Заключна частина уроку.
1. Summary of the lesson.
T .: today we spoke about the place of a teenager in modern world . Was there anything new and teaching for you at the lesson ? What did you like most ?
2. Home assignment :

• There is a list of adjectives , divide into three groups the words : 1-negative meaning; 2-with positive meaning; 3-with neutral meaning.

Active, diplomatic, disciplined, energetic, logical, optimistic, envious, nice, positive, practical, realistic, gallant, talented, clever, remiss, easy-going, lazy, bad-tempered, gentle, earthly-minded, stupid, brave, serious, selfish.

So, the typical Ukrainian teenager :
- listens to rock music
- smokes and drinks beer
- is crazy about computers
- reads youth magazines
- goes to discos
- goes to cafés , bars , internet cafés
- watches TV a lot

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Категорія: Конспекти уроків англійської мови | Додав: волошка (26.09.2013) | Автор: Ольга Волошина E
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